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Anzahl Ergebnisse für die Suche nach «nerv» gefunden: 38

  • MSUS Nerves

    MSUS ACADEMY BOOK Textbook All about Nerves on Rheumatology from A to Z MSUS - All about MSUS in the web

  • Nerve Entrapments

    US of Nerve Entrapments in Osteofibrous Tunnels of the Upper and Lower Limbs

  • Nervus dorsalis scapulae

    Nervus dorsalis scapulae

  • Median nerve entrapment in the elbow

    The following entrapment locations are possible for the median nerve: Struther arcade Pronator teres, sens and mot FDS Arcade, only sens Syndrome of Kiloh-Nevin (AIN), only mot (pain and...

  • Injection techniques, Vessels and Nerves - Barcelona 2018 - Notes from the Faculty

    Here you find notes regarding the XI Sonoanatomy Course in Barcelona  Nerve histology and anatomy Vascularization of tendons and ligaments 3D US of feeding vessels of the hand Entrapment...

  • Wartenberg's Syndrome (Cheiralgia paresthetica)

    In 1932, Wartenberg described five cases of isolated neuropathy of the Superficial Radial Nerve (SRN) . He was so impressed by the similiarity to the isolated involvement of the lateral cutaneous...

  • Peripheral Neuropathy

    Mononeuropathy involves the loss of motor or sensory function in the distribution of one nerve. Polyneuropathies involve multiple peripheral nerves, usually symmetrically, and tend to be a...

  • Mononeuritis multiplex

    Mononeuritis multiplex is a pattern of motor and sensory involvement of multiple individual peripheral nerves that is a classic neurologic presentation of systemic vasculitis. First, one peripheral...

  • Basic tissues

    Four basic tissue: epithelia, connective tissues (CT), muscle, nerve. Association of CTs with the other Types of CT and their functional significance - loose CT, dense CT, fat, cartilage,...

  • DGPS

    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.go... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.go...

  • MSUS FMH SAQM Guidelines

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)

    CTS is the most common entrapment neuropathy, with a prevalence of 0.2% to 1%. Nine flexor tendons and the median nerve pass through the carpal tunnel, which is narrowest at its mid-portion. CTS...

  • Ellenbogen Anatomie für Ultraschall

    PubMed UpToDate Images Web: Lateral Epicondylitis - Medscape Epicondylitis - BMJ

  • Fascia - Faszie

    'ectoskeleton concept'. Fascia can be wrongly regarded as an unimportant packing, filling or wrapping tissue associated with other 'more important structures. Yet it is increasingly recognised that...

  • MSUS Injections

    MSUS ACADEMY BOOK - das Ultraschalllehrbuch des UZR in der 4. Ausgabe EULAR Points to Consider for the use of imaging to guide interventional procedures in patients with rheumatic and...

  • Lyme Disease

    Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the United States and Europe and the second most common in the world (malaria being the most common) with peak onset during spring and summer...

  • Injection techniques

    Injection techniques UZR on VIMEO

  • Foot

    A large number of bones, ligaments, muscles, and tendons work in concert to provide stability and flexibility through a range of activities. Disorders of the Foot and Ankle: Articular...

  • Quadrilateral Space Syndrome

    Quadrilateral Space Syndrome: Diagnosis and Clinical Management Quadrilateral space syndrome (QSS) is a rare disorder characterized by axillary nerve and posterior humeral circumflex artery (PHCA)...

  • Stosswellentherapie

    Wirkmechanismen 1. Direkte schmerzlindernde Wirkung: Diese erfolgt einerseits über eine periphere Denervierung durch den mechanischen Einfluss. Zum anderen erfolgt eine Schmerzhemmung über...

  • MSUS - Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

    All about MSUS in the web

  • Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

    NSAIDs have antiinflammatory properties by virtue of their inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis and a number of other mechanisms. All NSAIDs should be used with caution (if at all) in...

  • Serum Sickness

    Serum sickness is a type III hypersensitivity reaction that results from the injection of heterologous or foreign protein or serum. The term "serum sickness" was introduced by von Pirquet and...

  • Colchicine

    Colchicine, an alkaloid derivative from the plant Colchicum autumnale, has been used in the treatment of acute gout and CPPD for nearly two centuries and for joint pain since the sixth century...

  • Anatomy

    Musculoskeletal System Anatomy: Anatomy Terms Anatomy Standards AnatomyTool Dissection Anatomieprogramm Bern (MorphoMed, German) Prometheus LernAtlas -...

  • Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis, EGPA (Churg–Strauss Syndrome)

    EGPA (formerly Churg-Strauss syndrome, allergic angiitis and granulomatosis) is a granulomatous vasculitis of small- and medium-sized vessels, frequently involving the skin, peripheral nerves,...

  • Polyarteritis Nodosa (PAN)

    PAN is a multisystem condition characterized by necrotizing inflammation of small and medium arteries without glomerulonephritis or antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCAs). Patients present...

  • Soft tissue rheumatism

    Soft tissue rheumatism refers to a group of musculoskeletal pain syndromes that result from the pathology of extraarticular and extraosseous periarticular structures. These “soft tissue”...

  • Cervical Pain Syndrome

    Most common causes of neck pain: Cervical strain and/or myofascial pain: contributing causes such as sleeping difficulties, poor workplace ergonomics, and posture problems must be ruled...

  • Spine

    The vertebral column consists of 33 vertebrae—7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral , and 4 coccygeal vertebrae—and 23 intervertebral disks. The spinal column is composed of four balanced...

  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

    CRPS is a syndrome typically occurring in a single extremity following trauma and is characterized by allodynia, hyperalgesia, and vasomotor signs. A characteristic three-phase bone scan...

  • Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD)

    MCTD was first described by Sharp and co-workers in 1972. It is an overlap syndrome characterized by a combination of manifestations similar to those seen in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE),...

  • Whipple’s disease

    Whipple’s disease is an uncommon chronic systemic disorder caused by the gram-positive bacillus Tropheryma whipplei (from the Greek trophe meaning nourishment and eryma meaning barrier, which...

  • Diabetes mellitus

    Common rheumatologic syndromes in patients with diabetes mellitus: Intrinsic complications of diabetes mellitus: Diabetic stiff hand syndrome (limited joint mobility syndrome, diabetic...

  • Vasculitides

    Vasculitis is inflammation +/- necrosis of a blood vessel with subsequent impairment of blood flow. The vessel wall destruction leads to perforation and hemorrhage into adjacent tissues. The...

  • Paget’s disease

    In 1877 Sir James Paget, british surgeon and physiologist first described chronic inflammation of bone, using the term osteitis deformans. Paget’s disease is a disorder of bone remodeling, with...

  • Inflammatory Muscle Disease

    Classification by Bohan and Peter: Adult polymyositis (PM) Adult dermatomyositis (DM) PM/DM associated with malignancy (12% of all myositis patients; 50% of myositis patients >age 65...

  • Tarif Tarmed Tardoc

    2023 Tarmed Rechnungsbeispiele Mitteilungen der Task Force Tarmed der SGUM Online-Tarifbrowser Direkter Link zum...