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Nutrition & Rheumatic disease

A change of diet cannot replace drug therapies for a rheumatic disease. In addition and supportive, however, an adapted diet is useful. "Every second patient of mine is addressing nutrition". "I take up the subject because it is part of a holistic consultation." For many people, nutrition can influence complaints related to rheumatic diseases and the disease itself. Due to the complexity of the relationship, we have written guidelines* in cooperation with nutritionists, other rheumatologists and patients on how an "anti-inflammatory diet" can positively influence a rheumatological disease.You can order the book here.

Arachidonic acid (omega-6 fatty acid) in particular is considered to be pro-inflammatory. This is mainly contained in products such as sausages, cold cuts or bacon. In general the following can be said: Pork and red meat stimulate inflammation. In contrast, products that contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids are considered anti-inflammatory. This includes fish from cold waters, for example. Because imported fish is also not undisputed in the current climate debate, we recommend rapeseed oil, walnut, linseed or chia seed as alternatives. In general, seasonal, regional and, if possible, vegetarian cuisine is recommended. Smoking is also considered to be pro-inflammatory. "You can change your diet for a long time; as long as you smoke at the same time, it's no use".

*"Diet for rheumatism. Basics and Recipes", Giorgio Tamborrini and others, Books on Demand, 2020.



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