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What we do

The Swiss Sonography in Arthritis and Rheumatism (SONAR) group was founded in 2008. The group has developed a semi-quantitative score for Rheumatoid Arthritis using modified OMERACT criteria for synovitis and erosions. The score includes B mode and Powerdoppler mode in finger joints, wrists, elbows and knees, an erosion and tenosynovitis score and additional cartilage measurement in selected joints.

Since 2008 we promote musculoskeletal ultrasound (msus) in the management of RA patients to increase the role of msus in RA improving patient outcomes. The Sonar-group offers msus courses to improve practical skills. 2015 we introduced the Sonar-Hip Score für SpA.

The scientific commitee of the Sonar-group works with and supports the SCQM ( 2016 the new Sonar handbook has been published. 2016 the Sonar president Pascal Zufferey wins the Warnery price for its research on MSUS in RA.

Sonar organizes since 2008 several courses to improve msus skills, to learn the Sonar-score for RA-patients and the CoxSonar-score for SpA-patients. More than 130 rheumatologists in hospitals and in practice attended to the courses since 2008

Sonar Book

Selected scientific work of Sonar: