Fascia - Faszie
'ectoskeleton concept'. Fascia can be wrongly regarded as an unimportant packing, filling or wrapping tissue associated with other 'more important structures. Yet it is increasingly recognised that it plays important roles as a network of communication, analogous to nerves and helping to coordinate muscle action. Wood Jones has aptly called the deep fascia of the limbs an 'exoskeleton'. Fascia also has proprioceptive functions.
Benjamin, M (2009) The fascia of the limbs and back – a review. J Anat. 214, 1-18 Benjamin M, McGonagle D, Miguel MI, Bong DA, Moller I (2014). Limb anatomy and medical
imaging. In: Hochberg, Silman Smolen, Weinblatt & Weisman. Rheumatology, 2-Volume Set,
6th Edition Napier J (revised by Tuttle RH). (1993) Hands. Princeton University Press, New Jersey Wood Jones, F (1941) Principles of anatomy as seen in the hand. Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, London Wood Jones F (1944). Structure and function as seen in the foot. Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, London Myers T (2014) Anatomy trains. Myofascial meridians for manual and movement therapists. 3rd
edition. Churchill Livingstone. London.